Conscious Lawyering Program

Do you want to feel less stress and more focused as a lawyer?  Are you ready to take your practice to the next level?  Do you want to learn how to work smarter, instead of harder?

If so, then this Program is for you.

We give you simple tools to create powerful results, for your busy life, to raise our own BAR.  You have this brilliant legal mind – but how is it serviced? Kind of like having a Ferrari.  No doubt - it’s incredible.  But without regular tune-ups, its speed and performance are limited.

This is more than great info. This is an experience

Are you ready to optimize your performance?

Cost: $675 + HST

Investing in YOU is the best investment. 

Wait List Meet Your Guide Program Details

Increased Clarity & Focus

The science is clear: tools such as mindfulness, meditation & breath work increase focus, clarity and your mind's processing speed.  We help you optimize your mind, to feel more focused, so you can tackle that "never-ending" TO DO list with less grit and more ease.

Optimize Your Energy

Einstein once said: "The solution of a problem cannot come from the same energy that created it." Our Version: "You can't practice law (well) from an empty tank". We show you how to keep your tank fueled, so you feel great and ready to tackle the challenges on your desk. 

Raise Your "Own Bar"

As lawyers, we are all looking for something. Whether it's deeper fulfillment,  growing our income, finding balance, building a dream team, or simply feeling less overwhelmed. These tools will help you get to the "next level" of living your dream life.

Meet Your Guide: Radhika Lakhani

At heart, my desire is to be a catalyst for positive change and expansion. Since 2002, I have been in the world of dispute resolution: as a mediator, collaborative family lawyer and trainer.  This spoke to my desire to be a peace maker and help others live their best life.  

For years, I informally shared mindfulness & mindset tools with clients and colleagues while they worked with me as a lawyer, because I knew how powerful they were. These were the very tools that helped me transform my own biggest losses and struggles into my biggest miracles. With these tools I manifested my dream life. The joy and the feedback I received inspired me to formalize my “tool-kit” into comprehensive programs for entrepreneurs, lawyers and parents post-separation. 

To be able to share these empowering tools, and witness the positive shifts that they evoke in the lives of others, is one of the greatest joys of my life. Each victory becomes one of my own.

About The Program

Being a professional in the legal field can be hard. Let's be honest.  The issues can be challenging and taxing.

We have the honour, and the challenge, of serving people during some of their worst days.  Much of their success depends on how you and I, as a bar, are equipped to serve them. 

The bottom line is - when you THRIVE, those around you THRIVE. This includes your clients, your team and your loved ones.  

Whether it’s finding more ideal clients, building a great team, increased satisfaction and focus,  wanting more work-life balance or simply wanting to take it to the next level: The Conscious Lawyering Program simplifies the keys to tapping into the best version of YOU and your best life.   

It's 2020.  The landscape of excellence in law is changing. The value of harnessing both EQ and IQ is becoming more clear.  Today, top law schools around the world (including Canada) are now providing meditation areas and mindfulness courses for the future members of our profession.  We now better understand the importance of not only learning, but cultivating the body and mind that "does" the learning

"I respectfully submit" that when you learn to raise your energy, clear your lens and mind, you will transform your practice of law. Come Join Us. to-fight-stress-and-improve-performance/267537

In this Program you will get:

  • A simple 6-Part Conscious Lawyering Formula to transform your practice, including mindset tools to increase your focus, clarity and energy
  • A chance to put these amazing tools to practice over a 6-week period with a personal guide, to experience a positive shift in all areas of your life
  • Tools to navigate the real, human challenges that we ALL face daily, with clients and counsel
  • A roadmap to generate a higher income, great clients, a dream support team, greater satisfaction and less stress
  • A rare opportunity to (re)define your objectives for your practice and maximize your impact in your community
  • To meet and learn with a group of like-minded professionals
  • To harness the most important characteristics of an exceptional family law lawyer
  • To cultivate a practice that comes from a more heart centered place (Yes.  I used the words 'heart' and 'law' together! We do "open heart surgery" on families. Friends: let’s Raise the Bar. Together)
Wait List


"When I saw the course description for Conscious Lawyering, something about it really spoke to me. I am always looking for creative ways to help me thrive professionally and personally, and this course really delivered! Radhika helped me think differently, not only about where I am now, but also about where I want to be in the future. She gives you countless tools to help you find your flow, and is non-judgmental and supportive of how hard this can be with a busy practice and home life. Thanks to the materials shared in the course, Rad's personalized and endless support, and the community she is creating, I feel more fulfilled and re-energized about my practice. I highly recommend making the time for this course - your future self will thank you!"

Vanessa Lam
Family Law Strategic Advisor & Research Lawyer

"This course is A MUST and a Game Changer!! I began my journey into conscious living and practicing prior to being invited to Radhika's Course but she was instrumental in taking me to the next level. Not only have I seen tremendous benefits in the professional arena but so too in my personal life. Radhika is most generous to impart so many resources, tips and ultimate guidance that it will no doubt change the way you work and live. Not only is this course a great benefit to help propel our profession to greater heights but should be instituted as a mandatory course in Law School, in my humble opinion. You will learn exquisite and life changing skills and share them with like-minded other professionals from the comforts and convenience of your own computer. Even just one skill learned and incorporated into your work-life sphere will benefit you in ways you can not even imagine. We all strive to work "hard" but what if we could work "smart" in a conscious manner and bring fulfillment for our clients and for ourselves in a world so hurried, multifaceted and complex. This course will provide you with the tools and strategies to accomplish this and will set you on a path, where you will ask yourself "why didn't I embark on this journey sooner?!" "

Ilana Tamari, Hons. B.Sc., D.C.S., Acc. FM., FDRP Med, Arb, PC
Mediator, Arbitrator & Parenting Coordinator

"The Conscious Lawyering program was an amazing experience for me. The ability to take the time to focus on myself, my practice and my purpose and those things truly important to me as a lawyer (and as a person also) was invaluable. The things I discovered will shape myself and my practice for years, and will impact the way in which I do things going forward. "

Paul Mazzeo

"As much as the program was geared to helping us practice as lawyers, I think it was meant to help me personally, although I do plan on using those tips as I get more experienced as a lawyer. Iā€™m continuing to use everything I learnt daily and am trying to make a conscious effort to change my outlook on life and my own thoughts. Thank you ā¤ "

Sneha Gohil

Program Details


  • When:  6 weeks on Tuesdays (dates TBD)
  • Time: 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. over the "lunch hour."  Grab your food, coffee, water and join us
  • Details: 7.5 hours of content delivered over six weeks. Weekly emails with additional bonus content, so you can get the most out of the Program. Weekly check-ins to help keep you on track and answer any questions about the content and tools
  • PLUS: A private one-on-one session (via Zoom) with Radhika Lakhani to Deep Dive into your personal objectives
  • Tools:  Conscious Lawyering Formula: simple and powerful tools delivered weekly, with a live guide. This is more than great info - we want you to experience a shift 
  • Format: Live video-conferencing online.  You will join us  from the comfort of your home or office. If you have to miss a session - don't worry! We record each one. You can view, or review, each session at your leisure
  • Cost: $675.00 + HST.  Investing in YOU is the best investment.
  • (We also offer a consolidated 4-week solo program - cost is $1,975 + HST)
  • CPD: Stay tuned as we are being accredited for CPD professional hours
Wait List

Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully you will agree, to see different results, we need to change what we're doing :) Each week there will be the 1.25 hour session, which you can watch live OR at your own time.  Each week we will also provide you with tools to implement (i.e. meditation options, breathing exercises, etc.) to help you consciously connect with the highest version of yourself, increase focus, reduce stress and anxiety, improve communications and increase personal clarity. We know for certain that if you’re ready to commit some time for yourself each day, you will experience a shift and life will never be the same!  Check out our testimonials.

Yes, through our private Facebook group you will get to meet other family law lawyers and mediators from previous sessions as the community builds.

While Radhika’s area of expertise is Family Law, and this program was originally envisioned to benefit family law lawyers and mediators/arbitrators, lawyers from all areas of expertise are absolutely welcome. In the past we have had lawyers from tax and estates practices, and we happily expanded the discussion examples to include them!  These tools will absolutely benefit legal professionals in all areas.

The session recordings will be available for 90 days, but you can also download them to your own device.

There are so many tools out there and often we dont know where to start!  The beauty of this Program is you get to address any challenges and questions with your guide directly, as well as through discussions in the Facebook group with the other members. You will be supported during the whole 6 weeks.

Family Law can be challenging. Part of our goal, in addition to providing you with tools to help you navigate on your own, is also to create a tribe of like minded professionals. The group format enables you to hear from and learn from other professionals. It also keeps the costs of receiving the full package down for each member. 

If you withdraw from the program at least 7 days before it begins, you are eligible for a full refund.

If you withdraw from the program after having completed the first session, you will receive a full refund, less an administration fee of $175 + HST.

A Program For Your Clients

Conscious Co-Parenting Program

A 6-week program to help parents tap into the highest version of themselves, to raise their children from a new perspective & to find their flow in co-parenting post separation.

Learn More

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